For Radiant and Glowing Skin.

TOP Skincare

Features of NIC Online Medical Consultation

No clinic visit required

No clinic visit required

No service fee

No service fee

Cashless payment

Cashless payment

Fastest same-day shipping

Fastest same-day shipping

Privacy protection

Privacy protection

24-hour reservation service

24-hour reservation service

Do you have any of these concerns?

  • Makeup does not apply well
  • Spots have appeared
  • Want to maintain skin firmness and elasticity
  • Skin has become dull
  • Don't have time to visit a clinic

What is Skincare?

"Skincare products" are classified under the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act as "quasi-drugs," "cosmetics," and "medicines." The "medicines" handled by medical professionals are recognized by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for their effective ingredients. Through online consultations, a doctor will prescribe the appropriate medicine, ensuring safe usage and providing more reliable effects than over-the-counter drugs or supplements.

Types of Medications

Cinal Cinal Suppresses the production of melanin, which causes spots. Promotes collagen production essential for firm skin.
Hythiol Hythiol Treats spots and freckles. Normalizes turnover and promotes skin function recovery.
Tocopherol Tocopherol Prevents the generation of lipid peroxide, which causes skin roughness.
Tranexamic Acid Tranexamic Acid Suppresses melanin synthesis, which causes spots.


Single Purchase

Cosmetic Oral Medicine Price / 90 tablets each (1 month supply)
Cinal 2,000 yen (tax included)
Hythiol 2,000 yen (tax included)
Tocopherol 2,000 yen (tax included)
Tranexamic Acid 2,000 yen (tax included)

Cosmetic Oral Medicine 3-item Set

Cosmetic Oral Medicine Price / 90 tablets each (1 month supply)
Cinal 5,480 yen (tax included)

Cosmetic Oral Medicine Regular Delivery (every 3 months)

Cosmetic Oral Medicine Regular Delivery Contents of Medicine Price
Basic Cosmetic Set

Tranexamic Acid

14,500 yen (tax included)
Whitening Set

Tranexamic Acid

18,600 yen (tax included)

Basic Cosmetic Set

Contents of Medicine Price

Tranexamic Acid

14,500 yen (tax included)

Whitening Set

Contents of Medicine Price

Tranexamic Acid

18,600 yen (tax included)

Using the Regular Delivery Service

1 Monthly Consultation is Required

To experience the effects of cosmetic oral medicine, it is important to continue taking it constantly. Therefore, you will have a thorough consultation with a doctor each month to check your condition and usage.

2 Payment and Shipping

You are required to commit to a 3-month contract, including the initial consultation month. Payment is made every three months, and one month's worth of medicine is shipped after each monthly consultation.

3 Consultation Process

20 days after the previous consultation, a message will be sent to your registered LINE account. After receiving the preferred consultation dates, we will make a reservation for your consultation.

4 Cancellation

If you wish to cancel, please contact our official LINE account at least one week before the next scheduled delivery. Please note that no refunds will be given after payment has been completed.

Consultation Process

make an appointment

Scan the QR code and make an appointment through the reservation site.

using Zoom

Consultations are conducted using Zoom. Please log in with the ID issued by our clinic.


Payment is made by credit card. After the payment is confirmed, we will send the prescription to your preferred pharmacy.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to see the effects of cosmetic oral medicine?

You can start seeing effects in about 3 to 6 months. Continuing the medication can lead to spot prevention and whitening effects.

How can I cancel the cosmetic regular delivery service?

If you wish to cancel, please contact our official LINE account (NIC) at least one week before the next scheduled delivery. There are no cancellation fees.