Transform yourself, starting with your hair.


Features of NIC Online Medical Consultation

No clinic visit required

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24-hour reservation service

24-hour reservation service

Do you have any of these concerns?

  • Feeling like your hair is becoming thinner
  • Thinning at the top of the head
  • Increased hair loss on your pillow upon waking

What is AGA (Androgenetic Alopecia)?

Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA) is a progressive hair loss condition unique to adult men. It is characterized by thinning hair at the hairline and top of the head.

About Treatment

■ Early treatment for AGA is crucial!

It is said that a single hair follicle repeats the hair cycle about 40 times. After that, the follicle cells die, and hair will no longer grow from that follicle. Once the follicle cells die, the treatment becomes ineffective. Therefore, it is essential to start treatment before they die!

■ Specific Treatment Methods

1 Want to suppress hair loss and maintain the current state
2 Want to promote hair growth

These treatments can only be obtained with a prescription from a doctor. Our online medical consultation provides these two treatment methods in consultation with the patient. In some cases, a combination of treatments may be effective, and the doctor will propose a treatment plan tailored to each individual. ※Over-the-counter hair growth products and shampoos only protect the existing hair and do not directly promote hair growth.

Types of Medications

For those who want to suppress hair loss and maintain the current state

Oral medication Content Price
Propecia 1mg 1 month supply 8,800 yen (tax included)
Finasteride 1mg 1 month supply 4,950 yen (tax included)
Dutasteride 0.5mg 1 month supply 5,500 yen (tax included)

For those who want to promote hair growth

Topical medication Content Price
Minoxidil 5% topical 1 month supply 6,200 yen (tax included)
3 month supply 15,980 yen (tax included)


About Side Effects

The probability of side effects is said to be 0.1~0.2%, which is very rare. Oral medications may cause fatigue, decreased libido, liver dysfunction, etc. Topical medications may cause dizziness, lightheadedness, shortness of breath, etc. If you experience any concerning symptoms, please consult the doctor.

Oral Intake by Minors

Due to its nature of inhibiting the action of male hormones, it is prohibited for minors to take these medications.

Pregnant Women

There is a risk of affecting fetal development. The drug may be absorbed through the skin if it comes into contact. Please store it out of reach of pregnant women.

Excessive Alcohol Consumption

One of the side effects is liver dysfunction, so alcohol consumption may cause liver damage. Please drink in moderation.

About Payment and Shipping

After payment confirmation, the product will be shipped on the same day or the next day. Please be assured that we will pack your order in such a way that the contents cannot be identified.

Consultation Process

make an appointment

Scan the QR code and make an appointment through the reservation site.

using Zoom

Consultations are conducted using Zoom. Please log in with the ID issued by our clinic.


Payment is made by credit card. After the payment is confirmed, we will send the prescription to your preferred pharmacy.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will the effects of the medication become noticeable?

Individual differences exist, but it is said that most people need 6 months of oral intake. Therefore, long-term treatment continuation is necessary.

Even if I am balding, is it not covered by insurance?

Since it is not a life-threatening disease, it is not covered by insurance and is entirely self-paid.

What are the differences from personal importation?

There are cheap medications available for personal importation, but their safety is not confirmed. There may be differences in dosage or the necessary components for treatment might not be included. Regular medical check-ups at a medical institution are recommended to monitor side effects and overall health.