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TOP Pill

Features of NIC Online Medical Consultation

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24-hour reservation service

Do you have any of these symptoms?

  • Premenstrual discomfort or severe menstrual pain
  • Persistent adult acne
  • Worried if condoms alone are sufficient for contraception

What is the pill?

The pill is a medication containing two types of female hormones: estrogen and progestin. Taking it once daily suppresses ovulation. Additionally, it helps regulate your menstrual cycle to a consistent 28-day cycle.


Even when using condoms, if not used correctly, or if they slip off or break, there is a 15% chance of contraceptive failure. When low-dose pills are taken correctly, they provide 99.7% effectiveness in preventing pregnancy.

Unexpected Benefits

Taking the pill can offer the following benefits: "Improvement of adult acne," "Reduction of menstrual pain and menstrual flow," "Alleviation of premenstrual syndrome," "Reduction in the risk of ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, and endometriosis."

Types of Medications


A medication with a hormone balance close to natural. Contains a type of progestin called levonorgestrel, which is known to cause less irregular bleeding and side effects. Take one pill daily at a regular time for 28 consecutive days. There are placebo pills for the break period, making it easier to form a habit and prevent missed doses.


Medication Price / 1 Sheet
Triquilar 3,980 yen (tax included)


Common Side Effects

Common side effects: Irregular bleeding (12%), nausea (7%), weight gain (5%), breast tenderness (4%), headache (4%) These side effects may appear when you start taking the pill, but most people see improvement with continued use (usually within 3 months).

Serious Side Effects

In rare cases, serious side effects like thrombosis may occur. The pill is not recommended for those with a tendency to develop blood clots.

Eligible Patients for Prescription

Due to the need for regular blood tests and in-person consultations, this service is for those who have a primary care hospital.

Consultation Process

make an appointment

Scan the QR code and make an appointment through the reservation site.

using Zoom

Consultations are conducted using Zoom. Please log in with the ID issued by our clinic.


Payment is made by credit card. After the payment is confirmed, we will send the prescription to your preferred pharmacy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do the colors of Triquilar mean?

The pills are colored red, white, and yellow according to the amount of hormones. By adjusting the dosage of the yellow pill, which has the highest hormone content, the timing of menstruation can be regulated.

What should I do if I miss a dose?

If you realize you missed a dose within 48 hours of your last dose, take one pill immediately. Take the next day's Triquilar at your usual time.

Why is Triquilar effective for skin conditions?

Taking Triquilar can suppress the excessive secretion of sebum, which causes acne, thus it is expected to improve skin conditions and acne.